And this weather is the coldest in 20 years I understand. Or that's what GDN says.
And just look below at what I saw on Bahrain's weather website this afternoon. Can you believe it? 7 degree celsius ! In Bahrain!!!

These days, my wife and kids look like eskimos on a visit to Bahrain. Wrapped up in mufflers, gloves and socks, apart from layers of sweaters. The heater - turned up to the max - is only making futile attempts at buzzing away cold. I must get two more blankets today, if I have to cover the three-layered blankets even more securely for my two little kids. The water-heater is the only saving grace....but we can't even wait for the cold water to run out of the tap before the hot water gushes out. Its taking its own sweet time. Brrrr.....The warnings from newspapers are just adding to the tension.
On the personal front, I also discovered that a man with hair on head is a lot more luckier than me. Because the icy hand of winter can be placed more firmly and flatly on a bald head like mine, than on those with good hairy heads. :-(
I also realize that God in his infinite wisdom, made feathers for those birds, and fur for all those animals to prepare them for these days.
But its sad to see school kids and working people waking up to meet their tryts with the same enthusiasm as on the non-cold days. But then, I know there will be some who'll say, "you call this cold??? Come and see Canada, USA, Greenland or the North pole"
Well, whatever they say, Bahrain is ccccccccoolddd.
And, some like it hot.
No...nowadays..we all like it hot.
Gauravaneeyulaina Indrupati Gariki,
Namaskarinchi Vraayu Krindi VYaykya ....
AC kosam vechi vechi vagachi vagachi .. .SadiNhchaAru KadaNDi ... Aaina AnNdukandi Eee AavastaLu...
AC lo kuchini BC cinema Patlu....
...MaRremo Meeru AC Vidichi BC LonChi.. Mantra MuGdudila... MantRa cinema choosaiNdi...
mantRa MeasinaTtlu.. VechHa danam Ga UntunNdi AnDi...
....ChaalA BaDhasindandi Mee ManoVykyalu Chadivi.. Mee KeAtaNdi.. Dora Vari Laga UnTaru ... Photo lo Matram Peadodi
Srihari (Actor) la Chaala BaGuntaru KadaniNdi..
InkeappUdu Ila RayakandieN...
"On the personal front, I also discovered that a man with hair on head is a lot more luckier than me. Because the icy hand of winter can be placed more firmly and flatly on a bald head like mine, than on those with good hairy heads. :-( "
Inkeppudu Ila RayakandiaN...
Mee Aanamika
Priyamaina Anamika-ku prematho vraayunadi,
Lekha-loni tamari maatalu mammalni yentho aananda-parachinavi. Maa patla meekunna gauravamu, abhimaanamu, mammalni yentho santhosha'pettaayi. Nijanga!
Mee yee abhimaanaaniki meymu paaatrulamo, kaadho? Kaani comment vraasi-nandhuku chaalaa vandanaalu.
Yee vidhagaaney mundhu mundhu koodaa vraasthaarani, mammalni prothsahisthaarani, aashisthu
Blog Rachayita
Wonderful blog!!! Can't resist smiling at the thought of winter striking Ur bald head!!! U shld have borrowed a cap from ur wife or kids!!! What say?
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